Thursday, December 11, 2008

C. The Importance of Worshiping God and Studying His Word in our Homes

Our families should worship God together.

Genesis 2:18-24 - Man and woman should be companions for one another. If serving God is our most important goal in life, then worship is one important area which we should share.
Joshua 24:15 - Joshua determined that he and his house would serve the Lord. This is something the whole family together was committed to doing.

John 4:23,24; Hebrews 10:24,25 - God wants His people to worship Him, including attending church assemblies. If we are to help one another serve Him, then we will do this together.
Young couples, from the very beginning of their relationship, should determine to attend every meeting of the local church and take advantage of other opportunities to worship. If someone is not interested in worshiping God with you, what are the chances that you can work with that person to help one another serve God?

If you want a good marriage and a good home, you must worship God regularly together.

To be guided by God's word, a family must study it together.

Hebrews 3:13 - Christians should exhort one another daily to stay faithful. But helping one another serve God is the main goal of our homes. We cannot possibly accomplish the most important purpose for our marriage unless we daily study and discuss God's word.

Genesis 18:19 - Abraham commanded his family to keep God's way.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 - We should keep God's words in our hearts, teaching them diligently to our children, talking of them continually.

Ephesians 6:4 - Fathers train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Young couples should begin this practice from beginning of their relationship. Suggest spiritual topics and study them together. This helps you understand one another's beliefs, develops your Bible knowledge, and establishes a spiritual foundation for your relationship. If someone is not comfortable or not interested in studying the Bible with you, what are the chances he/she will work with you to achieve the ultimate goal of serving God and going to heaven?

If you want a good marriage and a good home, you must learn to discuss God's word.

[1 Thessalonians 5:11; Acts 8:4; 10:24,27,33]

In particular, families need to pray together and pray for one another.

James 5:16 - Praying together is one of the most important things Christians can do to help one another be saved. But remember, helping one another be saved is the main goal of marriage.

James 1:5 - Those who need wisdom should pray for it. This wisdom will come as we study God's word. But don't we need wisdom to have good marriages? Are there things about your marriage that you wish you had the wisdom to improve? Do you want to know whether or not it would be wise to marry some particular young man/woman? If so, then we must diligently pray that we will have wisdom from God's word in our homes. [Heb. 5:14]

Philippians 4:6 - Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Don't we often have concerns for our marriage and our family? Do we become anxious or worried about what might happen? Don't we have needs we wish to see fulfilled in our homes? Then let us pray to God about these things.

Genesis 24:12 - Abraham had given a charge to his servant to find a wife for Isaac. The servant went to God in prayer for success. Do you want to be successful in finding a marriage companion or that your children will find a proper marriage companion? If this servant prayed about such a matter, how much more so the parents or the person who seeks a companion?

Again, I urge young couples to begin this practice from the very early days of your relationship. If someone is not comfortable praying with you or does not think prayer is important, will he/she make a good marriage companion?

Every Christian who wants a good marriage should never let a day go by that you don't pray to God for your spouse, your children, and yourself that all of you will serve God faithfully in your home. If you want a good marriage and a good home, you must pray to God regularly.
[1 Chronicles 29:19]

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